Egnyte Poland Hosts Two Programming Community Events

Egnyte Poland Hosts Two Programming Community Events

The Egnyte team in Poland recently had the opportunity to host two events organized by local communities created by programmers for programmers.

On the first day, the Poznan Python Programmers community started its monthly meeting PyRa at 7:00 p.m. and went through the evening with four very interesting presentations.First, Joanna Piechowiak from STX Next introduced the participants to RenPy, a library that allows people who know very little Python to create an adventure game using RenPy.Next, Katarzyna Jachim representing Red Hat showed common misconceptions about how Python objects work based on her experience as a QA engineer. This was followed by Joanna Kasprzak who demonstrated some use cases of Python for molecular modelling in bio-informatics.Last, but not least, Anna Wszeborowska spoke about the PyLadies initiative whose main goal is to get more women into the Python community and programming.The event gathered around 50 participants! Egnyte Poland hosted the PyRa meeting for the second time and tripled the number of participants this time.On the second day, the Poznan Quality and Testing (or PTaQ) community was hosted in the Egnyte office.The start of PTaQ meetings dates back to 2011 when local software quality assurance engineers and testers began getting together. The idea is to change their experience and knowledge, and Egnyte Poland hosted this great event dedicated to test automation.The first discussion was led by Milena Soboloweska and Paweł Maciejewki from Rule Financial who presented the UIAutomation tool, which automates testing of apps.The second presentation of  the evening was about Automation Testing of cross-platform mobile apps, which was given by our very own Egnyte employee – Anastasiia Naboikina.Anastasiia talked about the Egnyte use case, where to start building the testing framework, the main problems we encountered, different approaches and ideas that were implemented, pros and cons of using BDD + for cross-platform mobile apps testing, etc.Once again, we hosted 50 participants. The discussions after the presentations lasted until  the late evening hours, with some of them to be continued during the next meeting.We would like to thank the organizers and speakers at both of these great events. We will be supporting this kind of initiative in the upcoming months. Stay tuned for more updates from the Egnyte team in Poland.

Ania Gadzinowska works for Egnyte Poland as an Office Manager. You can follow Egnyte Poland on Facebook and Twitter.

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